

Payroll can be a lengthy, time consuming task. That is why, at FSL, we help lessen the burden with our broad and thorough payroll service. We provide a tailor-made service where we make sure you are not burdened with the constantly changing government legislation, as we take care of those matters for you. We ensure that you receive payslips on time, helping you run your business smoothly.


Working for your company's future

Our dedicated team can support you in payroll needs for businesses of all sizes. Our services include:

  • Ensuring your compliance with the latest government legislation
  • Producing your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payslips showing the respective tax and national insurance payments
  • Customized payslips
  • Year end forms submitted to the Inland Revenue
  • SMP and SSP calculations
  • Completion of statutory forms, including year end returns, submitted to the Inland Revenue

Our service ensures that we provide a timely service, making certain that you receive payslips on time. In taking on the responsibility of submitting your year end forms, as well as completing statutory forms, we make sure that we are efficient and quick. We take the time to understand your company, so we are best prepared to support you in all your payroll needs.

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